Distance between from Hanoi to Hue city is 658 kilometers. The Bus from Hanoi to Hue takes 12-14 hours, we strongly recommend to book a sleeper-bed ticket. The best option is to travel by night, leaving in the evening and arriving around lunch time, so you’ll enjoy the view after you wake up in the morning.
Hanoi – Hue;
♦ Departure 06:30 PM
05:30 – 06:00Pm : Free pick up at your hotel in the Old Quarter of Hanoi and transfer to Queen Cafe Open Bus → 06:30Pm: Departure to Hue → 09:00Pm : Have a rest-stop at Duc Tuan restaurant in Ninh Binh for 30 minutes, here you can go to toilet also→ 7h30Am Next day Arrival Hue City – stop at bus office, 11 Doi Cung, Phu Hoi, Hue
Hue – Hanoi;
♦ Departure 06:30 PM
05:30 – 06:00Pm : Pick up at our office, 11 Doi Cung, Phu Hoi, Hue → 06:30Pm: Departure to Hanoi → 09:00Pm : Have a rest-stop at restaurant in Quang Tri for 30 minutes, here you can go to toilet also→ 5h30Am Next day Arrival Hanoi – stop at bus office, 162 Tran Quang Khai , Hoan Kiem , Hanoi
If you need any help, please do not hesitate contact us. We are here 24/7 to support you!
Phone or whapsapp +84-965-886-263