10 Things Not to Do in Vietnam: A Traveler’s Guide

Vietnam is a beautiful country with a fascinating history, culture, and cuisine. Like millions of travelers, I love Vietnam and always look forward to coming back to this beautiful country, even though I’ve already been here four times. However, Vietnam also has its challenges and pitfalls that tourists should be aware of. If you want to have a smooth and memorable trip to Vietnam, here are 10 things not to do.

Disrespecting the Local Customs

Things not to do in vietnam

Vietnam is a land steeped in tradition and respect, especially when it comes to religious sites and rural areas. It’s best to dress modestly and cover your shoulders, chest, and knees when visiting temples, pagodas, or mosques. Remember to remove your shoes, hat, and sunglasses when entering these places. 

It’s a good idea to avoid wearing revealing or flashy clothing that might attract unwanted attention or offend the locals. It’s a small gesture that speaks volumes about your appreciation for their culture.

Crossing the road without care

Crossing the road in Vietnam is a difficult and risky task. Traffic in big cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City can be chaotic and unpredictable. The roads are filled with millions of motorbikes, cars, buses, trucks, bicycles, and pedestrians, and they often disregard traffic rules and signs. Crossing the road sometimes feels like playing a game of chicken as you have to navigate through the moving vehicles, skillfully avoiding them.

When crossing the street, don’t hesitate—walk at a steady pace, and the traffic will flow around y ou. Trust me; it works! Don’t be afraid to ask the locals for help if you’re unsure or nervous. Look for a group of people who are crossing the road and join them.

Falling for the fake taxi scam

Be cautious of taxi drivers who don’t use meters, overcharging for goods, or taking them on longer routes. It can be a frustrating and stressful experience, especially if you’re new to the country and unfamiliar with the local transportation system. 

To avoid this scam:

  • Use reputable taxi companies or ride-hailing services like Grab or Gojek.
  • Check the taxi’s license plate number before getting in.
  • Negotiate the fare beforehand and ensure it’s reasonable.
  • Have exact change or small bills to avoid overcharging.

Buying counterfeit goods or wildlife products

Vietnam is famous for its amazing variety of affordable markets and stores. You can discover all sorts of things there, ranging from trendy clothes and electronics to unique souvenirs and beautiful handcrafted items. However, it’s essential to be cautious because not everything you find in Vietnam is authentic or legal. Sadly, there are some markets and shops that sell fake or illegal goods, such as counterfeit branded clothing, electronics, souvenirs, or even products made from endangered animals.

It’s really important to keep in mind that buying counterfeit items or wildlife products is not only wrong from an ethical perspective, but it’s also against the law in Vietnam. If you get caught with these items, you could face serious consequences like fines or even imprisonment. Moreover, it’s worth noting that purchasing such items may unknowingly support criminal activities that have a detrimental impact on the environment and put wildlife at risk.

Renting a motorbike without insurance or experience

Renting a motorbike in Vietnam can be a really enjoyable and convenient way to venture into the country, particularly in rural areas where public transportation options may be scarce. It’s worth mentioning, though, that renting a motorbike can also present some risks and difficulties, especially if you’re not familiar with riding or don’t have insurance coverage.

Motorbike accidents happen quite frequently in Vietnam, and they can lead to severe injuries or even fatalities. The roads can be in poor condition and quite congested, which adds to the challenges. Furthermore, some drivers tend to be reckless, impatient, and aggressive. 

To avoid getting into trouble with a motorbike rental in Vietnam, there are some things you can do:

  • Check the motorbike’s condition and documents
  • Wear a helmet and protective gear
  • Follow road rules and signs
  • Have travel insurance that covers motorbike accidents

Overpacking or carry too much cash

Traveling light and smart can make your trip to Vietnam easier and more enjoyable. Overpacking or carrying too much cash can make you a target for thieves, weigh you down, or cause you trouble at the airport or customs. 

Criticizing the government or history

Vietnam has quite a complex and delicate history, particularly in its interactions with other nations like China, France, and the US. It’s best to steer clear of saying anything negative or controversial about the government or past events, as it could upset or provoke the local people. Instead, it’s a good idea to try and understand their point of view and acknowledge their resilience and pride.

Skipping On Street Food

Street food in Vietnam is known for being delicious, diverse, and affordable. You can discover a wide range of dishes that incorporate fresh ingredients, herbs, spices, and sauces. Among the popular choices are:

  • Pho (a noodle soup)
  • Banh mi (a sandwich), 
  • Bun cha (grilled pork with noodles), 
  • Nem (spring rolls), 
  • Banh xeo (a crispy pancake)

If you skip on street food in Vietnam, you will miss out on a lot of flavors and experiences that make this country unique and wonderful. You will also miss out on the opportunity to interact with the locals and learn more about their lives and stories. Street food is not only a way of eating, but also a way of living in Vietnam.


Littering is a serious problem in Vietnam that affects the environment, health, economy, and tourism of the country. According to a World Bank study, the majority of plastics polluting Vietnam’s waterways are single-use, low-value items such as plastic bags, food containers, and straws. These items are often discarded by people who do not care about the consequences of their actions or who are unaware of the alternatives.

Littering is not only unethical but also illegal in Vietnam. Regulations imposing heavy fines of up to VNĐ7 million (US$301) on those who litter in public areas have been in effect for a year-and-a-half.

Planning your visit during Tet (Lunar New Year)

Last but not least, you should check the dates of Tet before you book your flights and hotels, and make sure that they are available and open during this period.

During Tet, millions of Vietnamese people travel back to their hometowns or visit other places in the country, taking up the majority of the lodging and transportation spaces.

Final Thought

Vietnam has a rich and diverse culture that deserves respect and appreciation. As a visitor, you should try to learn about and follow the local etiquette and norms. This will not only make your trip more enjoyable, but also show your respect for the people and the country.

So, as you prepare for your own adventure in Vietnam, let respect and cultural awareness be your faithful companions, ensuring that your travels are a true exploration of the heart and soul of this remarkable nation. 

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